Your wedding jewellery isn’t just jewellery on your wedding day because Indian families equate jewellery with the pride of the family. When you go jewellery shopping you’re obviously not going alone and you will be tagging your mother and a few other relatives because of parampara! Besides, they probably know more about jewellery shopping than you because of their excellent eye for detail built over the years and of course bargaining skills! It won’t hurt to be a little more informed about what you’re diving into and probably save the day with a few additional tips from us, will it?
1) Valuation

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When you buy gold you have to be certain about its grade in terms of carats. The 18-carat, 22-carat and 23-carat gold range lower than what is considered the holy grail of good quality gold aka 24 carats. If its diamonds, be sure that you can buy European diamonds that are priced at a lower range or solitaire diamonds which are the most expensive ones. And 24-carat 1 tola gold i.e 10 grams is priced at 40k. Now it’s up to you if you want to buy gold and then get it made. If you’re going for the good old solitaire diamond
2) Longevity

Image Source: Malabargold&diamonds
Girl, your jewellery has to last longer than your marriage which is why you first conduct thorough research on authentic gold jewellers, because that is the basic purchase you will be making. By long-lasting, we also mean re-use and passing it onto your offspring which means you shouldn’t settle for less!
3) Price

Image Source: Pernia’spopupshop
Gold is the MVP of jewellery in the Indian family which is why you will be buying the yellow metal in grams. The price of 10 grams of gold is currently valued at Rs 40,000 if you’re buying it for the sake of investment. For your wedding, you will turn it into jewellery which will incur design costs as well for you to take it all into consideration. Make sure you get a brilliant wedding deal with the help of your family and bag the best quality of gold for your day!
4) Design

Image Source: Zerogravity
Curating a design that matches the needs of your outfit, the functions and the family can be quite a daunting task but it is your personal touch that will matter the most. Design your jewellery to complement your facial and neck structure so that it is evergreen and you feel glorious every time you wear it.
5) Resale Value

Image Source: Moneydoneright
Gold is precious for a reason and this reason better be worth it! The best part about gold is that you can sell it at any given time because it’s the most tangible asset. When you buy your jewellery in bulk for your wedding, keep some of it aside for a rainy day, which primarily the reason gold is soo deeply entrenched in our cultures.
Wishing You A Happy Jewellery Shopping Trip!
Image Source: Pinterest Unless Specified