Dad’s the world literally! There is something so special about a father’s love that articulating it in words would be thoroughly tough. Moreso of a blissful bond of that of a father-daughter. The first male, idol, hero, protector and confidant, each role a father transforms himself into lights up the life and world of his little princess. There is no denying that for a father, a daughter never ever grows up. A beautiful quote sums up this thought- “A son is a son till he brings his wife, but a daughter is a daughter till the end of life.”
We’re marking this father’s day by sharing some of the most heart-warming father-daughter moments captured at weddings. Accompanying each image is a famous quote, rendering it to be a complete and meaningful portrayal. While these frames are sure to melt your heart, they will also put a smile on your face. Happy Reading!
1.“A girl’s first true love is her father.” —Marisol Santiago
Image Source sonasachdevaphotography
2.“She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father.” —Harper Lee
Image Source sonasachdevaphotography
3.“No man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.” —Hedy Lamarr
Image Source Red Veds Photography
4.“No music is so pleasant to my ears as that word―father.” —Lydia Maria Child
Image Source Shutterspeed Photography
5.“A father doesn’t tell you that he loves you. He shows you.” —Dimitri the Stoneheart
Image Source Cliquestudio
6.“My father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him, I could see a future.” —Liza Minnelli
Image Source Navdeep Soni
7.“My father didn’t do anything unusual. He only did what dads are supposed to do—be there.” —Max Lucado

Image Source Stories by Joseph Radhik
8.“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers and singers of song.” —Anonymous
Image Source Stories by Joseph Radhik
9.“When you need real understanding, when you need someone to care, when you need someone to guide you … A father’s always there.” —Thomas J. Langley
Image Source Imprint Wedding
10.“The power of a dad in a child’s life is unmatched.” —Justin Ricklefs
Image Source MP Singh Photography
Here’s wishing all the everyday heroes without capes, a very happy father’s day from our end! 🙂