Meet Kiranpreet and Karanjit, a couple whose love story is unconventional yet conventional at the same time! Theirs is a story that took a decade in the making and finally, they took the #LeapofLo...
When the Universe planned to unite two strangers, eternal love bloomed!
How They Met
They were establishing their fledgeling careers and were not looking for romance but happened to la...
When Rains Sparked Love
Everyone wants a magical wedding and what better than having one in Thailand on a beautiful beach. This lovely couple had a fairytale wedding in Thailand, giving u...
A beautiful love story that blossomed from friendship into an eternal partnership for life!
“Love without conversation is impossible.” – Mortimer Adler
True, isn’t it? Communication is at th...
There’s nothing more surreal than marrying your childhood, is there? We think not! And Amreen and Anup’s love story is a testament to this fact.
Amreen Khurana and Anup Singh met in school. The...