MS Choreography
Wedding Vendors in Delhi NCR
Wedding Choreographers & Dance Choreographers in Delhi
MS Choreography
About Ms Choreography, Delhi
MS Choreography, Delhi are choreographers be it a dancer or non-dancer, dont worry!! They will make the occasion special for you with some desi thumkas and jhatkas. They have been dancing from past 6 years with over 50 wins in Delhi University and also including MTV Amazon Campus Diaries. Now its been 4 years in sangeet choreography. Trained in various styles including bollywood and hip-hop under the guidance of Mr Apoorv Raghav, Delhi Dance Academy, Utsav Malhotra and Yankee Rockers. They have covered weddings in Delhi, Punjab and Goa. Contact MS Choreography, Delhi for your upcoming events to make them happening.
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Featured Package Price
Phone number
H.No.97 Chand Nagar,
Near Tilak Nagar
Years of Experience: 4
Events Completed: 50
Willing to travel:
MS Choreography is a choreographer based out of Tilak Nagar, Delhi . MS Choreography's telephone number is 76-66-77-88-99, MS Choreography website address is, address is H.No.97 Chand Nagar,
Near Tilak Nagar.
In terms of pricing MS Choreography offers various packages starting at Rs30,000 /-.
Has been viewed 2 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 5 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call to book MS Choreography at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.
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In terms of pricing MS Choreography offers various packages starting at Rs
Has been viewed 2 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 5 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call to book MS Choreography at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.
Travel Costs
Transportation charges included in package when event is in Delhi.
Transportation charges will have to be paid by client when event is outside Delhi.